If you rely on your ability to work and provide a steady income to safeguard your financial stability, then you need disability insurance. Although disability insurance is often associated with dangerous professions (such as construction, transportation, or law enforcement), medical illnesses actually trigger the majority of disability insurance claims — not work-related accidents.

Many employees are surprised to learn that employers are not required by law to carry this type of coverage. And many self-employed business owners neglect to realize this isn’t included with their other policies. Have you reviewed your policies lately to see if you’re fully covered in the event of an illness, injury, or other disability? In recognition of Disability Insurance Awareness Month during the month of May, we are sharing education on this important topic.

Disability insurance replaces your income in the event you are disabled and unable to work. This coverage would provide invaluable protection for your family, delivering unparalleled peace of mind. Schoolteachers, accountants, and writers alike can protect their earning power with the right coverage.

Medical illnesses actually trigger the majority of disability insurance claims — not work‑related accidents.

It’s essential that you purchase disability insurance before you need it. Both long- and short-term disabilities can be covered, so work with a trusted insurance advisor to help you consider your current and projected risk profile. They can help you decide what type of coverage you’ll need, how much coverage to select, and help determine the following factors:

  • Are you the primary earner for your household?
  • What is your current health status?
  • Is there a family history of any serious medical conditions?
  • How long can you afford to be out of work due to an illness or injury?
  • Does your employer offer any disability coverage?

At Doeren Mayhew Insurance Group, our insurance brokers are experienced in guiding clients according to their unique coverage needs. Let us help you select the right disability insurance coverage for you and your family by contacting us today.

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