Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, and wildfires can have devastating consequences for your home or business. From the physical damage to the potential financial losses, property owners may face unforeseen problems even if you do not live in a “disaster-prone” area. At Doeren Mayhew Insurance Group, we specialize in proactive risk management to protect your valued assets and long-term financial health. Read on to learn about our top five tips to keep your home or business safe from natural disasters.

1. Take inventory

Record video or take pictures of the contents of your home or business. Be sure to write down brand names, serial numbers, and other important information related to the furniture, appliances, electronics, tools, keepsakes, and jewelry that you own. Save all receipts and invest in professional appraisals to ensure that you receive adequate coverage of your valued assets.

2. Protect your records

Organize important financial records like insurance policies, bank account information, mortgage or property deeds, and other documents that are required to file insurance claims and pay bills in the event of an emergency. Originals and copies should be stored in a secure location, such as a safety deposit box, or shared with a trusted partner, like your attorney or beneficiary.

3. Get proper insurance

We provide customized insurance solutions to ensure adequate coverage that may fill gaps in standard insurance policies. Additional coverage may be necessary for cases involving earthquakes, floods, or other natural disaster claims. Once you are set up with proper insurance coverage, always be sure to pay your bills on time to avoid a lapse in coverage.

4. Safeguard physical property

Defend your home or business against natural disasters by installing storm windows, doors, and shutters, or add reinforcements to your roof. Proof your home against earthquakes by fixing safety straps to furniture, cabinets, shelves, and bookcases. Elevate appliances and close or seal up gaps and cracks in basement floors, windows, and doors to protect against flooding.

5. Design a preparedness plan

Prepare a natural disaster kit that is complete with first aid, food, water, flash lights, extra batteries, and other necessary items to keep you safe or help you escape. Understand your property’s unique vulnerability in the case of different types of natural disasters and design an evacuation plan accordingly.

If you follow these five tips for keeping your home or business safe from natural disasters, you will be making critical steps towards ensuring your long-term financial security. Contact us to learn how our insurance solutions can keep your home or business safe from natural disasters.